Monday, March 24, 2014

What stars did God told Abraham?

 In ancient times, signs were used as a witness of a special covenant either between God and mankind or between different peoples on the earth. In Genesis 9:12-13, God put a special sign in the sky.

God is telling the story of His son to Abraham and Abraham believe it and it was accounted to him righteousness because he believed.

There are 12 major constellations (signs). Their modern names, which tell us nothing of their original meanings, are in parenthesis. Each major constellation has three other constellations associated with it which modify or complete its meaning. They are called decans. Because of space, I will list only the major signs.
The Incarnate Son (Virgo) Isaiah 7:14
The Redeemer (Libra) 1 Cor. 6:20
The Sufferer (Scorpio) 1 Cor. 15:55-56
The Conqueror (Sagittarius) Rev. 6:2
The Sacrifice (Capricornus) Romans 3:25
The Living Water (Aquarius) John 7:38
The Liberator (Pisces) Gen. 48:19; Mark 1:17
The Crowned Lamb (Aries) Rev. 5:6
The Judge (Taurus) John 5:22
The King (Gemini) Romans 1:3
The Protector (Cancer) Isaiah 4:5-6
The Victor (Leo) Rev. 5:5

The Twelve Signs

The twelve signs are fairly well known. They commence with Virgo, the Virgin, and conclude with Leo, the Lion; these two signs being associated directly with the birth and subsequent return of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Egyptian archives the sphinx is shown inserted as an asterisk between these two signs, thus dividing the circle and solving its own riddle of the 'woman and lion'.
From here on each sign depicts some aspect of the Bible narrative: Virgo (the woman) with the branch lies amid 140 stars, with the sun taking 43 days to pass through this constellation. The brightest star in this sign is Tsemech (Hebrew) or Al Zimach (Arabic), meaning 'the branch'. The artist has drawn a woman and branch.
ISAIAH 7:14 states, "Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son...". There are three smaller constellations in each sign, also depicting similar aspects of the Bible story.
Next is Libra, which in Hebrew is Mozanaim, meaning 'the Scales'. Note that our own Southern Cross is in this constellation.
Then comes Scorpio, which in Hebrew is Akrab, meaning ‘the Scorpion' or 'stinging (conflicting) one'. In Arabic the word is translated as 'wounding him that cometh.' The Bible tells us that the "seed of the woman" would bruise the serpent's head.
The sign Sagittarius, the Archer, depicts a disciple of the conquering Lord given us in REVELATION 6. The dragon, Draco, is shown as cast down in the same constellation.
Next comes Capricornus, the Sin Goat. Our Lord was the scapegoat and we are His fish, a wonderful symbol of the redemption plan as written in the heavens.
Aquarius, the Water Bearer, depicts the pouring on of water (See JOHN 7). One Hebrew star in this constellation, Deli, means 'water container', and another star, Saad, means 'one who goeth and returneth.'
Pisces is better known as Pisces Australis, the 'southern fish'. The Hebrew word simply means 'the fishes', and speaks no doubt of the great ingathering of revival and restoration as promised.
Innumerable scriptures speak of all these terms. Andromeda, the 'chained woman', is also shown in this constellation, symbolising Israel as the woman still chained in unbelief.
Aries, 'the Ram or Lamb', which in Hebrew is Teleh, is an obvious picture of the many times our Lord is presented both in the Old and New Testaments. Cassiopiea, 'the enthroned woman' is in this constellation and speaks of the restored and crowned Is-ra-el people of God.
The sign for Taurus signifies 'the Bull'. The brightest star here is Al Debaran, meaning 'leader' or 'governor'. It is prophesied of Jesus in ISAIAH 9, "...and the government shall be upon his shoulders..." (ISAIAH 9:6).
In this same constellation we have a cluster of stars called Pleiades, 'the congregation of the judge - or ruler', with its brightest star Al Cyone, meaning 'the centre'. Many astronomers believe this star to be the centre of the whole universe.
Also in this constellation is Orion, which means 'the coming prince'. In Hebrew, Oarian, meaning 'light', and Hagat, 'the triumphant one'.
Amos refers to Orion, which in Hebrew is Chesil, meaning 'the strong one - hero - giant'. In the right shoulder of Orion we find Betelgeuz 'the coming branch', and in his left foot Rigol, 'the foot that crusheth'. A star in his left shoulder, Bellatrix, means 'quietly coming', and in the belt of Orion the star Al Niyak, means 'the wounded one.'
Next is Gemini, the Twins. The Hebrew word is 'Thaumin' meaning 'unites'. Jesus the man, Christ the God, the unity of man and God provides our recommendation as sons of God also. We find the star Apollo here, meaning 'ruler' or 'judge'.
Cancer is derived from the Arabic words 'al sartan' and means 'one who holds or binds together.' One large star in the sign of Cancer is Acubene, which means in Hebrew 'the shelter' or 'hiding place'. Also in this constellation is Ursa Major, the 'great bear' recorded in JOB 9 and 38. Many other stars with Hebrew names are associated with this sign, and depict the lamb and the gathering of the sheep with the Lord.
Finally we have Leo, the Lion. The end of the Zodiac circle. The riddle of the sphinx is solved with the head of the woman Virgo and the body of the lion Leo, which in Hebrew is Arieh. There are six Hebrew words for lion. This one means 'the lion that herds its prey.' Star of the first magnitude in this constellation is Denebola, meaning 'the Lord who cometh.'
"Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book..." (REVELATION 5:5).
Our future is written in God's Word and declared in the heavens. Satan, as the master of illusion or delusion, still captivates the gullible. The present increase in the "occult", the ouija board, seances, and horoscopes, all side-track the unsuspecting and superstitious, and endeavour to replace the ideology of God with that of man.
As an alternative to the wonderful "outpouring of the Holy Spirit" as shown in the Word of God and confirmed in the Zodiac, millions have now turned to the vanity of their own devices. Don't read your horoscope - read the Bible.
This Christmas look for your Guiding Star to appear in your life. The Lord Jesus Christ is our own personal Star of Bethlehem, and as you place that star on top of that tree remember its true meaning, not its pagan godless alternative, but rather its message of hope and redemption.
"We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the Day Star arise in your hearts" (2 PETER 1:19).

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