Saturday, February 28, 2009

5 languages of Love

#1 Words of Affirmation
(Prob 19:21, Ps 69:20, Prob 12:41)
Generally this applies for most men. Men are ego creatures.

#2 Quality Time
Give Spouse dedicated, undivided time. Generally men is the weakest in this area.

#3 Gift Giving
(1st Peter 3:7, Jn 3:16)
Give Gifts that will cause you something.

#4 Act of Service
Serving one another.

#5 Physical Touch
(Luke 5:13, Mk 10:13)
Secret to success for men-Kiss wife everyday before going to work.


This week have been a eye-opening week for me.

Firstly, student's mother emailed to ITE complaining of their financial problem and our stand on attriding him based on poor attendance. True enough, everyone stand up and try to help them.
In my opinion, they have not been truthful yet we can do nothing about it.

Secondly, 2 colleagues (will be transferred in BIS) were saying this is not my fault but the management will not think so. They are trying to drown me man. Felt like Job in the bible when his friends tried to be holy. Never the less, God reminded me of who I am in God and this is for a purpose. I would not let people who pressed down others to make themselves good dictate me. Initially, I was interested in BIS but now NO. With Colleagues like these, who needs enemies?

5 needs of Women & Men

Women (Strange creature)

#1 Affection

#2 Conversation
Generally women needs 15hrs/week to converse. No communication = no relationship

#3 Honesty & Openness
Women have the sixth sense that men is not telling the truth.

#4 Financial Support
(1st Tim 5:8, Prob 2:9)
Women hate it when they need to work to make ends meet.

3 basic budget the family should have:
  • What you need-This one should be easily met without the wife having to work.
  • What you want.
  • What you can afford.
#5 Family Commitment
Womens need these basic 5 commitment from men:
  • 15hrs/week with children.
  • Proper pareting skills.
  • Wise discipline of children - Don't overcorrect. Discipline is preparation for the future. Gods discipline and not punish.
  • Explanation of rules to children.
  • Handle anger.

Men (Straight Creature)

#1 Sexual Fulfilment
Men are aroused by Sight just as women by Ear.

#2 Recreational Companion
(col 3:18)
Men are attracted to Women who took interest in the sports they are in.

#3 Attractive Spouse
(1st Sam 16:7)
Men expects women to have
  • Weight Control
  • Makeup
  • Nice Hair Style
  • Nice Clothes
  • Cosmetics Surgery if necessary
#4 Domestic Support
(Prob 17:1, Tit 2:4-5)
Every men having fought a war in the workplace wants peace and quiet at home. So it's important to keep a good house.

#5 Admiration
(Eph 5:33)
Women must give "real" admiration for their men. It is the gas tank for their men to go on achieve greater things.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Things Improving

When I told my parents I can't give them pocket moneys this 2 mths, they were okay. Things are getting better in my work place. Truly, if we trust God in everyday, we can be made an overcomers.

I am so amazed at what God as done for the Chinese people in ancient China. I will be doing a post soon about the chinese culture reflecting their devotion for the same God we serve.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I can't believe it

Wat lan! Need to pay Stamp duty for my new property. I was so careless didn't check the contract properly. Where to get $16874! I can't sleep on Saturday Night feel like giving up and abort the property. Come Sunday, we went to OCBC bank to withdraw all our money and insurance. Thank God, after doing everything we should have enough.

I am still amazed at how we can crop up $162000 all CASH for the deposit and Stamp fee. Next task, I need to get some 5-10k to buy the battered stocks. Make your $$ work harder for you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Cell Group at Bukit Batok

Went to 395 #01-444 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 for cell group. House was so run-down compare to my rented out unit at 387. I pray that my unit will be sustained. Cell group is mostly comprises of youth which I can't really gel and talk about anything.

Tony is moving to Tampines soon as he is selling his Jurong West unit. I got to take my hat off him, 1 person working to support 1 wife, 2 kids, a hdb flat and a car. How did he do it? Does he have a framework?

I suspect Cell group is going to combine with this youth group. Haiz, why like this? Anyway, I trust God has the best interest of our heart. I pray that God you guide our ways through your words and open doors both spiritually and financially. The best is yet to come. If the people of the world can prosper like no one business, we should be more blessed because Jesus if for us and has empowered us. In Jesus' name Amen.

Buy Car?

HDB Loan Approved! Rental Settled. Left with Monday showdown. I have faith it will turn out for good because God is with me. Emmanuel.

Went down to Kah motor with Chee Aik and Chee Seng. Chee Aik bougt a 1.3A Honda Jazz for $55000 which in my opinion quite expensive. Generally, Car is just a liability at a convenient. The old Honda Fit he bought 6 years back for $80000 is now worth $29000 in scrap value. Is this how a typical normal Singaporean manage his finance? I think is pure senseless money management.

How can God entrust you with much, if you cant even manage a little?

True he bought high 6 years back, so changing will be good for him definitely. Would it be better if he sold off his car and get back the $29000 and use this cash to make more cash then buy back later?

Buy car now? no but maybe 1-2 years later.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Army Analogy

How do you fight a war with confidence when your commander ask you to advance forward but on the back of your mind knowing that the covering will most definitely retreat upon first sight to enemy? That was how my colleague has described it. Funny yet very true.


Dear God,

Next week is a tired week for me. Had to cover relief for my colleague who is on reservist. God I pray that you stengthened my body. So many things had happened but they are not going to overcome me physically and mentally. I believe the God I serve is a faithful God who ensure all things will work out for those who love Him. Let my enemies be at peace with me Lord. Heal Valencia, I really thank you for the greatest gift you have given me. The sight of her makes my day. Thank you for the wonderful things that is yet to come. In Jesus' name, Amen

When will it be approved

Aiyo, my ocbc loan approval is still pending approval because I put my father-in-law as buyers and me acting as guarantor. 4 days liao.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Growing up stories

I am really disappointed with people and family members too.

I am still at a lost of what is in the minds of people who only care about themselves and push others to be scapegoat. So what if they win the world and lost their soul. Well upset over them? No maybe for awhile but I believe God will be my shield against the enemy fiery darts. God says if we are at peace with Him, He will prepare a table before our enemies and they will be at peace with us. So I will just hold my peace and walk through the darkest tunnel.

Family Members

Allow me to complain in this blog. Throughout my growing up days, with my younger brother and sister, our family had always not being close. My mother died when I was in K1. My father remarried and borne my younger sister. I have not much memory of my natural mother. On 2 Occasions I remember her:

a) When we were in hospital where my mum was dying of throat cancer. I didn't cry because I knew nothing then.
b) When my mum shielded me from my dad's fiery (just because I was crying?).

My mother says my dad have never carry any 1 of us since we are babies, when she saw my dad carries my daughter Valencia. Well, my dad is an introvert. He is responsible for providing for the family and no else. Well he did a great job, paying the hdb loan and providing for us single-handedly. He's not on good term with most people including my uncle. He is hot tempered too. I remember vividly he switch off the balcony light when my uncle and his friends was at our village house. My growing up memory of him:

a) In primary 4-5, I overheard my dad wants to buy me a bicycle as an encouragement for my good results but my mum rejected the idea. I was totally disappointed.

b) When we move to Jurong West then, deep down in my heart I hope my dad signs me up for the teckwondo class in the neighborhood. I was interested when I see other kids having fun when my dad brings us there occasionally. No, that didnt happen either.

c) When I was in Sec 2-3, I was scolded by my dad for messing up his table which I didnt. (My sister is the one). I was so upset that I ran out of house. Ah mah came and comforedt me and walked me back. Although, my dad knew later he had done me wrong, till TODAY he hasn't apologise to me. That still hurts. He still have alot of pride, I remember he wants to cancel my name in the CPF nomination only to put back. Till today, I also don't know he got nominated me to get anything. Well hack, $$ is not everything.

My dad is also very critical of others. He can criticise other but not others can't.

Ah ma is one that adore us most since my dad is just a pure $ provider only. I love her very much. She had sacrificed a lot for my brother and I. The only problem is that she always bring up my gugu's daughter to haolian. My Siblings and I are sick of all these.

My mother was generally quite good, she has to be commented with putting up with my dad for so many years.

In fact my whole family do not give encouragement when we do something good. They will just find shortcomings and talk and talk about it. Why can't they just say something good? Children do need them to grow up healthily.

Give them a half glass of water, they will probably says why is it only half full ?

There's simply no love or and relationship going on. Maybe tat's why my sister is always not at home. It only prove 1 thing, $ is not everything. My dad would always paid for her tours and doted on her the most but these actions probably went down the drain. My brother and I would not have such luck. for instance,

a) We have to fork up 2k each just to buy a computer during secondary school.
b) We have to pay for our own tertiary education by repaying the CPF board. We don't mind paying but give cpf interest? Not a good deal.

My first post

Just want a blog on my own