Monday, July 29, 2013

Grace & Truth

The more I listen to Pastor Prince and read the bible, the more I am in love with Jesus and Father God.

When the first Adam sins, it automatically makes the whole human race sinful. Something in life is of no choice. Occasionally we may have done some good deeds but that doesn't make the sinner a righteuos being. Similarly, if you are borned of the second Adam (Jesus), it automatically makes you righteous. Occasional sins doesn't cancel out the fact you are of righteous status. God doesn't see how good or bad we are once we are in Christ, He looks at the perfect lamb of God. The lamb of God died and rose to conquer our the last enemy - death. Therefore, in HIM we are righteous and more than conquerer. Friends do not be deceived by the condemnation brought to you by the devil. Rebuke the condemnation as they wil not stand if the convenat of law is made obsolete. The strength of sin is in the laws. Under the strict old convenant, if we by our own works obeys the laws we will be blessed but likewise if we doesn't we will be cursed. In fact no one except Jesus can obey the ten commandments. In short, the ten commandments is to love God fervently and Peopl wholeheartedly. The laws is like a mirror telling you the truth but without the power to correct. It brings forth condemnation, used by the devil. Jesus came to fulfil the laws so that He will received the blessings promised that in turns exchange for your curses on the very old cross.