Saturday, July 30, 2011

2011: The current struggles

I have some struggles which causes me to have sleepless nights.

1) Brunei May-Jun 2011
It was a tough 2 month in My-Jun 2011 for me and family as I have to be at Brunei for most of the time. Abviously, I am glad it is over for now. I have missed my child very much. I don't to travel so much in the future, therefore I told myself that I need to find a new job after these.

2) Stock wealth
I have a friend who make alot in stocks. He has taught me a few tricks but I have been struggling. I am determine to make it a success but it is proving to be a big struggle. It is never easy but it is perhaps the best way to leverage myself and propel to retire stage. I am an average worker, which bring in average income. I am not a scholar nor in Adrian (CAE boss) calibre so like what my friend says I have to give it my best shot. I dont want to regret later in life.

3) Slopiness
My and wife are tidy people. Ever since my father-in-law moves in with us, I have being annoyed at the way he messed up the house.
  • Scratches on doors due to putting of keys.
  • Scratches on the study room floor.
  • Misplacement of fan.
  • Messing up the toilet.
  • Can't even put his slippers on the rack, everytime has to do it for him
4) No Jobs?
Have been looking for jobs for 2-3 weeks liao and so far only 2 interviews. God please help me.

5) Can't seems to save up
Due to high maintenance in cars, 2 houses and child, we seems to have problem stacking up our savings. What I am worried is we going towards the typical spent how much we earn kind. I have decided to review the situation by reducing expenses and increasing income for the next 6 months. Things is not really comfortable at least on my side.

6) Child
This is a new headache. My seccond child is due in Mar 2012. Who is going to look after the baby? The house definitely is too small. Either we buy a bigger house or we reduce the number of ppl. Val will go fullday school soon. If they are going back, who is going to fetch her at 5pm?

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