Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Things to do
2) Sell HDB
3) Change Car Ownership to Fiona
Step 1
Apply for a transfer of vehicle at the following venues:
Land Transport Authority (LTA), Vehicle and Transit Licensing Division, 10 Sin Ming Drive; or
Any Authorised Motor Dealers' (Electronic Service Agents') premises.
Step 2
The current registered owner and the buyer must complete a transfer of vehicle application form and submit it together with the necessary documents listed in the checklist.
Click here to view the Checklist.
(With effect from 1 July 2002, the Land Transport Authority will require those intending to register or transfer light goods vehicles (LGVs) or small buses with seating capacity of not more than 9 persons (excluding driver) to show valid proof of business. For more details, please click here.
Step 3
To check transfer fees, please click here.
Computation of Transfer Fee
To find out more about how transfer fee is computed, please click here.
4) Change Name for Telok Kurau
Friday, August 19, 2011
Work Matters
It was very tough working under Adrian. I have heard not so nice things about him from people. I even sign a 18 months bond which will expire shortly in Sept 2011. People are telling me things like:
- $50 increment
- little bonus
- Adrian will squeeze till you dry
Alot of times, I have to work overtime. It was difficult but I enjoyed it and learnt alot of things. I was the project lead for SMRT project. I have learnt alot from both Adrian and Brian. In a short span of time, I have completed 2 projects.
In Feb this year, Brian left (probably because of Jason). Today, Adrian announce he will be quitting the company he setup shortly. How things have changed. I looked back and thank God for everything.
- 8% increment
- 1 incentive of 2k
- 1 good performance of 3k
- Bonus in progress
- In < 2 years I have completed 2 projects and learnt so much
Probably, I have to leave the company soon as company's future without Adrian and Brian is not bright to say the very least. I am praying that I will have interviews soon and move one to a better place by next year.
God Matters
In 2004, me and Fiona(now my wife) went Taiwan and Indonesia for Sun's evangelistic concert as support in the name of mission trips. I watched and listened to Sun's testimony in each concert and it was really changing people lives.
Then in 2005, Sun went to Hollywood and rest is history. Coincidentally, 2005 is the year I got married. I was till faithfully serving God in the dialect ministry every Sunday and weekdays. It was tough but fulfilling. I still remember 1 wheel-chaired bound uncle from old folk home asked me to fetch him to and fro Lavendar to get angbao, I oblight and carry him to and fro in cabs totally on my own expenses. A few months later he passed away. That was making a difference in other people life. After 2007, just before my child birth, I quit the ministry and have become a Sunday Christian instead.
I just feel something is amiss in the church. The simpleness of worshipping Jesus is not there. But we just go on till 2010 May where we decided to leave CHC for good. It was a emotional struggle for us as we practically grow up in church, married and have our child there. I was ascertain that we need to have a clean cut with the church given the CHC fraud case. (CAD raids CHC in Mar 2010).
Deep down inside, I was tumbled by what the church has done. I was thinking how can God allow these things to happen in His house. It took me a few months of recovery before we decided to actively look for another church. In the end we like Lighthouse very much and started attending the church from Dec 2010. Praise & worship are not as dynamic as CHC but the words is really good and deep. I specially like Pastor Pacer and Colin.
Till today, we attended our first cell group meeting. Mine of mine, we were the youngest. The cell group leader's youngest son is 17 years of age. God help us find a new cell so that my child and adapt and most importantly help us to get back to Jesus business. Cell group settings was totally different from CHC one. I begin to think that although CHC has changed, the things we learnt in it was appreciative. It really prepares us for the days ahead. Thank you God, Blessed is those who endure in trials.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
2011: The current struggles
1) Brunei May-Jun 2011
It was a tough 2 month in My-Jun 2011 for me and family as I have to be at Brunei for most of the time. Abviously, I am glad it is over for now. I have missed my child very much. I don't to travel so much in the future, therefore I told myself that I need to find a new job after these.
2) Stock wealth
I have a friend who make alot in stocks. He has taught me a few tricks but I have been struggling. I am determine to make it a success but it is proving to be a big struggle. It is never easy but it is perhaps the best way to leverage myself and propel to retire stage. I am an average worker, which bring in average income. I am not a scholar nor in Adrian (CAE boss) calibre so like what my friend says I have to give it my best shot. I dont want to regret later in life.
3) Slopiness
My and wife are tidy people. Ever since my father-in-law moves in with us, I have being annoyed at the way he messed up the house.
- Scratches on doors due to putting of keys.
- Scratches on the study room floor.
- Misplacement of fan.
- Messing up the toilet.
- Can't even put his slippers on the rack, everytime has to do it for him
Have been looking for jobs for 2-3 weeks liao and so far only 2 interviews. God please help me.
5) Can't seems to save up
Due to high maintenance in cars, 2 houses and child, we seems to have problem stacking up our savings. What I am worried is we going towards the typical spent how much we earn kind. I have decided to review the situation by reducing expenses and increasing income for the next 6 months. Things is not really comfortable at least on my side.
6) Child
This is a new headache. My seccond child is due in Mar 2012. Who is going to look after the baby? The house definitely is too small. Either we buy a bigger house or we reduce the number of ppl. Val will go fullday school soon. If they are going back, who is going to fetch her at 5pm?
The Past Victories
1) Left CHC in May 2010.
Never have I thought of leaving the church I joined in 1999. It is sad but I can safely say I and my family are finally out of the matrix. To be fair, Me and my wife have not being on fire for God since 2007, the year where we have Valencia. Till today, I still can't believe CHC can turned to this. I am now very scared of giving to church.
2) Move in new house in Jun 2010
Moving from the crampy house in bukit panjang which we live for a year is a welcome relief. There, we don't even have a proper queen size mattress. The reason for living with my mother-in-law, is my child is taken care by her. Additionally, it reallys help us in accumulating our finances from our rented flat in Bukit Batok. I was almost broke when I bought Telok Kurau (left 2.5k in bank)
3) Getting my first car in Jul 2010
Never have I dreamt of getting a Volvo. Previously, I would think I can only afford a cheap toyota. I decide to do that after we settle our new house. It was a reward for my wife and child.
My wife has suffer taking mrt to n fro with me for 5 years even when she was pregnant. I still remember we having problem getting taxis to church in the hot sun.
4) Change new job in Feb 2010
I thought I am stuck in ITE for good but things start to turn unexpectedly when I went for industrial attachment. CAE offer to take me in without even a single interview. After much initial struggle with the company bond thing and bad reputation, I decided to endure at least 1-2 years there. It was a win win situation from there.
5) Fiaso with Singtel
After 1year battle with Singtel, we have finally settle the broadband bill with Singtel. We are totally disappointed with Singtel that we are determined to terminate services with them once contracts is up. It was a relief as we make trips to CASE, write numerous emails and make countless calls.
6) Join Lighthouse church
After visting various church, we decided to settle on Lighthouse Tampines. We are waiting to join a suitable cell near our house.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I have been a CHC member since 1999. I have stop attending it since May 2010 and have not givena single cent to it. Till today I still can't believe how Kong Hee & Sun Ho has changed to.
It was well til 2005, everything and everyone is so gear towards loving God fervently. That is till the cultrual mandate comes in, when SUN HO went to Taiwan to have some concert and share here testimony to get people saved. It was good and my wife and I even volunteer to go to Taiwan and Medan to help out. It was exctiing seeing lives changed. What I don't like is, CGL from CHC are pressurusing their members to buy 3-4 albums to support SUN HO. Right down in my mind, I was thinking "I only need 1 CD to listen nia". Finally, we just bought one to listen. Nothing fantastic about the songs. Her second album was a non-event then. I remember we have afew concerts in church.
Here are some things I have experience first hand. Please note that all these all my personal view through research and first hand experience, it may not be 100% correct:
1. SUN HO contract with Tono Entertainment
I rememeber Kong Hee saying that a recording company has signed SUN HO to be in LA for 5 million. We simply accept anything he said . It was until recently that I knew that the company that signed SUN-Tono entertainment had already folded in 2003. How on earth can she sign a contract with them in 2005? Was it a lie from the very first day of the 2005's forway.
2. HC, Mark & co under chruch payroll?
SUN HO didnt go to USA alone. She has Henry Chee and his wife Xiuyan acting as Dayan nanny. Vivien was there too. Mark was there too and for what purpose I don't know. Important question is were they under church payroll? The answer is YES and I know this's the question alot of CHC members would like to ask but don't dare to.
3. SUN HO's real purpose in USA?
This is another question alot of CHC goers would like to know. For what I know is to prepare to penetrate China. But after 5 years, 5 singles there is no clue on how this relates to China. It was till my friend bring to my attention "China Wine' where she dress and actedworse than those circular artistes. Has she backslided?
What is all these about where KONG HEE practically have to fly to & fro LA weekly to see his wife and son. All of us are fooled into believing that KONG HEE has indeed sacrificed alot for the church and his family.
O-school and Xtron existed just to support her adventure in USA.
Her lifestyle over there was luxurious. Her rental of apartment works out to be $28000 monthly. She got 2 cars there. Was she there for a purpose or just enjoy the new found high life? Her monthly expenses could work out something like this:
- Rental : $28000
- Child Education : $1000
- CHC Staff : $30000
- Car: $2000
On some occasion, she will appear to on some relief sight to help the victims (Haiti) for the church to know that she is doing good for the weak.
4. Xtron & its Financial Nonsense
It was till the newspaper bring out this company that was supposedly SUN HO's marketing company that I came across SUN HO. Before that, I have heard that KONG HEE had started a AV company outside to take care of the AV in church. I though it was brilliant since other people beside CHC can do business with this AV company. It was till last year that I knew this AV company to be Xtron. Why do I have to find out everything from the press and forums? There is simply NO TRANSPANRENCY.
It was shocking to know that this company had only ONE customer - CHC and the company had consistently raked up 5-8 millions loss annually from 2005 onwards. 2005 again? Was it a conincidence?
What did it do to rake up these losses? It is logical and normal practice for the company to wrap up after 2-3 years of 7 millions losses yearly. How Xtron get the money to lose? likely from CHC and AMAC (Eng Han's investment vehicle).
It was reported AMAC bought bonds (worth millions) in 2007-2008 to help solve the financial problems. Why would a fund invest in a failing company or something that has no value and in deep shit financially? AMAC was probably funded by the BBGs. Besides, I remember there was some "Mutual Fund" written on the offering envelopes, it was understood this goes to some church mission. Probably this "Mutual Fund" is channelled to the AMAC too.
All these chains of events evolve around SUN HO.
5. SUN HO's popularity
Ever wonder how a 40 year old can have so many fans and on top of US charts. At least that is what is portrayed of her from KONG HEE. The fact is that few Americans heard of SUN HO. The charts proabably is not the main stream ones. Those DJ can be offered money to play artisite songs morre often. (I don't know if its true). I for once wont listen to her song let alone join her fan club. Her fan club llikely are all CHC members.
6. Suntec - $310million
This is really a spark that blows up the whole saga. KONG HEE says it was SUN HO who help CHC acquire a stake in suntec. Samuel Loh, a CHC member and private banker, ask for a breakdown of the figure from CHC. After no reply is given, he wrote to the COC for them to investigate the church.
It was annouced that we are co-cowners of suntec city by buying a sisgnificant stake in Harmony Fund which have 80% of the suntec city. It was not after much scutiny, that CHC release a media clarification on 7th March 2010:
"Our Church, through a special purpose investment holding company wholly owned by CHC, has acquired and holds an indirect minority stake in the holding company of Suntec Convention Centre."
Sigiificant stake become minority stakes? Something is not right.
The sum doesn't adds up too. Harmony Fund bought into Suntec in 2009 for around 250 million in 2009. A minority stake (max 49.9%) would only work out to 120 million. Why are they quoting 310 million? When people ask about the details, they refuse to release the details because of NDA agreement with Harmony Fund. Why would such NDA exists? When major stakeholder changes interest, SGX would require the company to make the annoucement the next day.
CHC will be moving to Suntec from 19 March 2011 onwards but with 7500 capacity to cater for the new guideleines issued by the authority. All the members are so excited. Put it simple, CHC is only renting suntec after spending so much to rent a place. All these money is after 5 A&R which amass 100million. They will have no choice after putting JW building for collarate.
Sources said that CHC will pay 46million to a licensee to help find a place, in which 16million is already paid. This licensee is probably AMAC. I though it was SUN HO who help find the place. Why is there to pay a middleman every year for finding Suntec to rent? Simply as that, you want to rent the hall in Suntec, go up to Suntec, check availability, book and pay directly.
7. Simpleminded
I ask most of my friend in CHC, they don't even know what is Xtron? Oh boy are they ignorance or just simple-minded when the wrtings are all on the walls.
Are they going to continue finance 8 more A&R. The good thing is SUN HO adventure has ended. Probably, the money the donated would be put to better use now.
8. KONG HEE financial
From 2005, he stop receiving pay from CHC. His income is from talks and 2 SKIN boutique shops (1 closed down at Marina square). His event company, International Harvest rakes up $410000 in losses. I have doubts about the SKIN shops revenue as 1 closed down. How can he pay SUN's expenses plus his tickets to/fro USA every week? It cost $2-4 k for round tickets to USA.
One unknown CHC staff revealed that the actually weekly attendance is around 14800. The attendance given by church is around 28000 which causes a hoo-ha. The parity is so big and I suspect it is intentional to make CHC seen as big. The annual tithes received is much less than NCC. It suggests that the figure should not be so big as reported. NCC has around 20k members.
There is something not right internally as strifes develop.
Darren Tan left in Feb 2011 to start LifeUnted Church in Aljunied.
Tan Chee Kiang left to start City Care Church in JB. (David Yem is there with him).
Latest update is KC Gan has left to join Chee Kiang. He is the man man behind CHC's previous album.