Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Aim for 2010-2011

Times flies it has being 6 months since I have joined CAE. At first I was fearful of the working environment but so far it has being good. I have learned a lot of stuff like:

  • Writing ATP/SDD
  • Thorough Software Design
  • Design my own network subnets
  • Use Winproxy to share Internet connection
  • RCS & Socket
  • Control LCDs and U-Box
  • Cable testing

What I wish to do is aim for 2k per month from trading. Each trade will be mininum 10lots as confidence built-up. I have seen how my good friend do it in the market (the minority that has done it) and I am learning things from him everyday. I will not consider myself a success unless I can emulate him to earn a living out of the market alone. Give me 2 years and I aim to have another property and a BMW. Mark this date 22nd of July 2010.

I will be the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. If others can do it, why not me? God has empowers me to do anything. Although I no longer is participating in church, deep down I still love God and I will go back to Him. I have sacrificed in the past which I believe God will always remember. I hope CHC saga will be resolved soon. I really hope the allegation is not true but sadly to say I believe God is doing a trimming job.

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